
About SAPE

National Association „Respect for Energy and the Environment” (SAPE-POLSKA) was established on the initiative of a group of people operating in Poland and internationally for the sake of respect for energy and the environment. The founding meeting of the Association was held on December 15, 2004, at which the Statute of the Association was adopted and the Management Board was established. 
The aim of the Association is to:

  • support activities for energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development,
  • organize the exchange of experience and cooperation between the members of the Association,
  • cooperate with national and foreign government and self-government institutions in the field of creating legal, organizational and financial framework conducive to energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development.

The Association pursues its goals through: 

  • initiating activities aimed at introducing new energy norms and standards;
  • popularizing and disseminating solutions to improve the efficiency of energy use and environmental protection developed and effectively implemented in other European Union countries;
  • conducting open (on-line) discussion groups on proposed legislative changes related to improving the efficiency of energy use and environmental protection;
  • help local authorities in initiating action programs aimed at creating socio-economic conditions conducive to the implementation of the principles of sustainable development;
  • cooperation with other domestic and foreign institutions with a similar nature of activity;
  • organizing the joint operation of legal entities who are members supporting the Association;
  • mutual exchange of information and coordination of activities in achieving the objectives of the Association;
  • cooperation in acquiring funds for the purposes of the Association.

The Association may include:

  • ordinary members – natural persons
  • supporting members – legal persons

Among the Association members you can find:

  • contractors for their technical, organizational and financial intentions, participants in exchange of experience,
  • participants of open discussion groups,
  • organizers of cooperation with other national and foreign institutions,
  • organizers of conferences, seminars and workshops,
  • auditors for reporting on energy use, gas emissions and environmental protection.